Yonka Boosters Defense+

Yonka Boosters Defense+ 15ml

The pine bark polyphenols and the pomegranate found in DEFENSE+ allow to promote the skin’s elasticity and glowing complewion while visibly smoothing skin’s texture.



Product Description

Yonka Boosters Defense+ 15ml

The pine bark polyphenols and the pomegranate found in DEFENSE+ allow to promote the skin’s elasticity and glowing complewion while visibly smoothing skin’s texture.

This booster fights oxidative stress from sun rays, smoking, pollution and daily stress. This “shield effect” helps prevent the appearance of the signs of aging.

Its benefits, completed with nourishing factors, make it the ally of choice of dry skins, and even more so of city dwellers.

How to Use:

DEFENSE+ will boost your day or night cream: morning and/or night, mix 1 to 2 pumps of the booster with your regular cream and apply to your face and neck.

DEFENSE+ adapts to the specific needs of your skin, whether as an intensive course of treatments for a month, to complete the protecting and hydrating action of your Cream 28 , or to maximize your skin resilience against environmental factors when you add it to your VITAL DEFENSE day cream.

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